DEADLINE: January 31st 2024 – 11pm CET

YASS ! Mentorship Program & Production Grant 2023 • 2024

Appel à projets

Do you have an idea for an audio piece or a work-in-progress you need support for? If you are willing to learn and share your creative process with an experienced mentor, you are in the right place!

Two audio makers will be selected to work with the YASS! (You Are So Sound!) mentors Cristal Duhaime and Yasmina Hamlawi between February and September 2024. The works will premiered at Lucia Festival.


What do the mentees get from YASS!?

• 40 hours of the Mentorship Program
To be scheduled according to the needs of both mentees and mentors,
• Production grant: €1.500/each
• International circulation of the final productions
• Presentation of the productions at Lucia Festival 2024

The Authors/Producers will keep the rights to their works, but will grant Radio Papesse and LUCIA Festival the permission/right to make them accessible online – on and – in the frame of related events (such as educational programs, listening sessions…), to submit them to international festivals and events and to use them for non-commercial uses in general.


DEADLINE: January 31st 2024 – 11pm CET

More info here