
Anna Kravets won the CTM 2023’s Radio Lab Open Call


Anna Kra­vets is a CTM Fes­ti­val / Radio Lab win­ner with the work “An Emo­tio­nal Ency­clo­pe­dia of War”, star­ted as a co-pro­duc­tion of SEMI SILENT, Ate­lier de créa­tion sonore radio­pho­nique, and Q‑O2.

With over 100 appli­ca­tions from 27 coun­tries, it was a tough call. Their judges have selec­ted two win­ning pro­jects, each unique from the other and burs­ting with poten­tial path­ways of sonic explo­ra­tion.


Kyiv’s Anna Kra­vets pro­poses a series of inter­ac­tions and col­lec­tive recor­ding ses­sions with “An Emo­tio­nal Ency­clo­pe­dia of War”, invi­ting a limi­ted num­ber of people in a base­ment / shel­ter envi­ron­ment. There, a tran­si­tion zone may be ope­ned in which to explore what the fee­ling of dan­ger and emer­gen­cy can do to our bodies and per­cep­tion of time.


The other win­ner is a Sri Lan­kan artist Isu­ru Kuma­ra­sin­ghe. He explores the reso­nance of spaces pro­pel­led by voice and Esraj with “Gilu­nu : I became one with you”, rei­ma­gi­ning the expe­rience of being immer­sed utter­ly in sound, trans­for­med within a reso­na­ting cham­ber of strings, vocals and field recor­dings.


Awar­ded by Deut­schland­funk Kul­tur and CTM Fes­ti­val, in col­la­bo­ra­tion with ORF musik­pro­to­koll im stei­ri­schen herbst fes­ti­val, Ö1 Kuns­tra­dio, The Wire : Adven­tures In Modern Music, and Goethe-Ins­ti­tut.

More info here.